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What difference can a day make?

What difference can a day make? How about a pair of brightly colored socks could they make a difference? How about an invitation?

Last year I was invited to visit Rejoicing Spirits at Bethany Lutheran in Cherry Hills. Rejoicing Spirits ministry provides a worshiping opportunity that is a “shush-free” service designed to welcome to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Gathering for a meal, experiencing the Bible come alive through stories and activities, sharing in the Lord’s supper, praying together….that day made a difference.

As we continue to seek connections that deepen our relationships with God, one another and our community, I have been curious how connecting with Rejoicing Spirits might be part of this. Rejoicing Spirits is built around a free-flowing worship service set in an environment that gathers together families, caregivers, supportive community members alongside adults and children with intellectual and developmental disabilities so that community and friendships are created. Are you interested in learning more?

This coming Sunday, March 24 from 4-6pm Rejoicing Spirits Denver is meeting at Bethany Lutheran Church from 4-6pm and you are invited. Do you know that March 21 is World Down Syndrome Day? Check out this video to find out more about it.

On March 21 at the Boondocks at E-470 and Parker Road , Rejoicing Spirits Denver- an ELCA worshipping community is partnering with KOSI 101.1 and One World Heart Project to give out bright colored socks from 11am-1pm while supplies last. Stop by if you are in the area and consider how you might keep learning and growing in your awareness of the gifts of people with Down Syndrome bring to our community.

This Thursday March 21, you can show your support for people with Down Syndrome by wearing brightly colored socks, posting photos of your socks on FB and Instagram and using the #RejoicingSpiritsDenver #LotsofSocks #OneWorldHeartProject, #KOSI101.1 #LeaveNoOneBehind and #DevelopmentalPathways hashtags.

We are on this journey of following Jesus together. We each have gifts to share and love to show. Maybe you’ll check out Rejoicing Spirits this Sunday or consider how you might get involved in the future? Maybe you’ll wear a pair of brightly colored socks this Thursday or notice others who are wearing them? Maybe you will have an experience that will move you, change you, encourage you and inspire you this week! Whatever this week holds may you feel and know the presence of God holding you. That makes a difference.

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