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There is still time

“I waited patiently for the Lord; he inclined to me and heard my cry.” Psalm 40

There is still time this Lenten season to practice. We are invited for the 40 days to practice prayer, fasting and almsgiving. The invitation is to be acutely attentive to how in the everyday and ordinary we connect with the presence of God and walk in the ways of Christ. Not for outward rewards or other’s admiration instead we practice so that we grow. To be “intentional” is another way of saying to “be awake and aware”. We are not called to perfection. We are invited to practice.

There is still time to pray. Using scripture as our prayer and inspiration can help wake us up to God’s response and ongoing connection with us. Have you read Philippians? You could try reading a section, the whole letter, the familiar verses of rejoicing in chapter four. What does it look like for you to experiment and experience prayer using scripture? Consider taking time to find out before Easter is here.

There is still time to fast. To be intentional in fasting from gossip or criticism for the next two weeks could be an experiment to see how easy it is to loose our love for one another or ourselves by falling into comparing or competing with other beloved children of God. To fast for an hour a day from electronics and instead step outside to give God thanks for the beauty of creation, write a gratitude list, walk your dog, play with the cat, make a phone call to speak connection and share your love might be an opportunity to see what it feels like to be “unplugged” to a device and plugged into a relationship with nature, God, a pet, another person.

There is still time to give alms. How can you share from your financial resources with those in need? What passion is on your heart for the love of another, care of the earth, a concern that has been placed in you to support and encourage others through a financial gift? This month our change for change will go to Urban Servant Corp where lives are being impacted through the intention of living simply, being of service, growing spiritually and living in community. Our gifts of change -change lives. Their Palm Sunday walk is a great opportunity to walk in their shoes. There is still time.

Today you have been given the gift of this day, this hour, this moment to be intentional in connecting with God, with one another, and with your deeper self. Be awake and aware to how God is with you in all times and in all places. Blessings on the journey.

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