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Will you let me be your servant?

Love so easily given lip-service and so challenging to live and let into our lives.

This week the song in the video above has been going through my mind.

Will you let me be your servant, let me be as Christ to you

We need this now. We have always needed it. We need to allow the Christ light to shine into our community, into our homes, into each of our lives. To be able to both, be the Christ light and allow others to sit with us in the dark is part of the journey.

Pray that I may have the grace to let you be my servant, too.

When we let our lights shine we do not cast shadows, we illuminate and bear testimony to the power of light over darkness. Will you let your light shine this week? Will you listen for how the Spirit is calling you to love, to serve, to grow?

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it. -John 1:5

Are you willing to sit in the darkness with others, unafraid? This is a growing edge for me and a powerful gift I have received from others. The Christ light allows us the space to sit in darkness with others. We do not need to pull them out. In God’s timing, by God’s power, led by the Spirit we get to trust timing. We grow to trust the power of God.

We get to be instruments of God’s peace but we don’t need to create it. The healing is not on our timetable or by run by our schedule. The healing that comes from Jesus is promised. It takes patience to wait. The healing may come to us in forms

unexpected. As we wait we practice faith.

We trust God’s love can take our tears, our pleas, our complaints of “how long O Lord, how long”. As we wait, as we hope, as we pray -we remember and we remind one another of the grace of God. We remember -there is no place that God cannot be. We recall the past mercies and consolations. We read scripture and connect with our sacred story. We come to worship in our joy and in our weeping as there is a place for us-always- at the table.

We get to be together. Joy shared is doubled. Grief shared is halved. This weekend as we celebrate graduates, thank volunteers and welcome new members we get to hear music and scripture, we are fed at the table and we are in this together. In the light and in the darkness we receive grace from the infinite well of God’s love for us and we get to share it. If now is a time of darkness or light, dawn, dusk or the multitudes of in-betweens I am praying for you. My prayers are that you will be open to how you are being called to be a servant. My prayers are that you will be open to receive the service of others. Christ comes to us in infinite ways, may you breathe that in today.

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