At the very end of the video above there is this line, “Discover how fun learning can be". We don’t often equate the season of Lent with fun, how about with learning? As we enter into Lent on Ash Wednesday February 17, 2021 will you join in taking time during these six weeks to be a “C” student? Let’s learn together.
Right now find some pen and paper to set aside for this learning and growing, this exploring and engaging in some intentional spiritual growth. The invitation to be a C student is to encourage your curiosity. The intention of the six weeks of Lent is to journey together through worship, prayer and other spiritual practices heading to the cross/crucifixion.
In our Ash Wednesday worship we will hear an invitation to prayer, fasting and alms-giving. We will make the sign of the cross on our foreheads both in remembrance of our baptism and to remind us that we are dust and to dust we shall return. Being a “C” student isn’t often something we encourage. We live in the Ricky Bobby world of either you are first or last- ain’t nothing in-between and if you aren’t first… well you don’t count.
Instead for these 40+ days let’s look for and listen to the C’s in our life that are part of the path of following Jesus- the cross, compassion, community, communion, caring for one another and there are so many more. I want to invite you to let this be a “paper and pen” season. Take time to write. So often when we pause we get connected to ways of the cross where things of the world are often turned upside down. This is one of my favorite songs by Gungor Beautiful things to remember how God works in mysterious ways bringing beautiful things out of the dark.
How about exploring a gratitude list of things that begin with the letter C? A list like this can be a prayer. Praying is a key element in the season of Lent. Contemplative prayer includes Centering prayer and each Tuesday at 10am we offer a 20 minute Centering Prayer time on Zoom . Everyone is welcome and invited to this quiet time- no previous experience required.
The invitation to fasting that is made as part of a lenten practice can include being careful and care-filled not only about what you eat/don’t eat but also with how you spend your time. Some people “fast” from the television news or time on social media.
We will be sharing a giving calendar as one way to encourage the alms-giving invitation. My hope and prayer for you this Lenten season is that you would hear the call that Christ has in particular for you. At the beginning of Epiphany we heard Jesus and his earliest followers encourage one another to “Come and See”. May you hear that invitation, come and see, join in being a C student this lenten season.