Happy New Year- Starting this Sunday, November 29, 2020 we celebrate a new year as we begin the season of Advent. A season of hope.
It's a gift to start again, to start new. . It's the "present" of the present moment that invites a fresh start, so let's begin-again. The great gift of time is yours right now. Each year in Advent I choose a Spirit Word to walk with me for the coming calendar year. As you read this I will be on "vacation"- giving myself the gift of time. Can you take a deep breath with me?
Time unplugged, time open and spacious, time for the Holy Spirit to fill us. Spirit breathing, a breath prayer, the gift of this moment. If you decide to choose a word to walk with you for 2021 consider sharing it with those you love and with whom you are connected. This allows them to listen for your word also.
In 2020 my word was "well"- I think it often became part of the sentence of "oh well...". I don't yet have the word for 2021. I am hopeful that the gift of time away, unplugged, unplanned, open will allow for that word to come to me as a gift. Blessings to you as we begin- again- a new year.