Happening Now!
Encouraging Words and Announcements from Pastor Margot:
Weekend Update November 17, 2023
Reflection Invitation: Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:21. This coming Sunday we hear the Parable of the Talents in Matthew 25:14-30 This week I invite your reflection upon how you spend your time? Consider pausing to take stock of the invaluable/nonrenewable treasure of your time,
Pastor Margot
Please let us know how you will be sharing your financial treasures with Lord of the Hills in 2024. Follow this LINK to PLEDGE ONLINE if you haven’t already shared a pledge card. Prayerfully consider how you will support Lord of the Hills in 2024
This Weekend
Join us in worship this Sunday November 19, 2023 at 10am in person and on ZOOM. There is NO 8am worship service. We welcome Pastor Karen Ullestad as our guest preacher for our 10am in person and ZOOM worship. Sunday School, Confirmation, Choir and Bells all meet this Sunday as well.
Healing Grief Group meets this Sunday November 19 at 11:30am.
Rejoicing Spirits this Sunday November 19, 2023 from 4-6pm come and volunteer to help our friends with special needs Give God Thanks. Crafts, supper, and worship are all parts of our evening together and we can use your help. Reach out to Pastor Margot for details on how you can help.
Add to your prayers our 8 high school youth, David Johnson and Pastor Margot as they participate in the Rainbow Trail High School Retreat. Your generous Change 4 Change offerings in July helped make this trip happen along with generous gifts of our members.
This upcoming week:
LGBTQ+ Ally Group on ZOOM Monday November 20 at 7pm. Reach out to Wendy Hahn
In just 4 days… Christmas Ornament Pottery Fundraiser- Tuesday November 21, 2023- RSVP here
Mark your calendar for Thanksgiving Eve worship and Pie Wednesday November 22, 2023 at 7pm at the church.
Looking ahead:
Mid-week Advent worship starts Wednesday November 28, 2023 at 7pm. We have a new accompanist! She will be starting on that day- you’ll want to come and hear the gift she has for playing the piano.
NEW!!! Help us decorate the inside of the church! Christmas Decorating Sat, Dec 2 from 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Invite your friends to join us for Christmas Eve worship at 5pm and 7pm. At 10am on Christmas Eve morning we will have our Children’s Christmas Pageant. Sign Up Here if you want to participate and help.
There are so many great ways we get to LOVE + SERVE + GROW
This Week at Lord of the Hills Oct 17, 2023
Reflection Invitation:
Where your treasure it- there your heart is also. This week I encourage you to ponder where you invest- your time, energy, and resources. What do you value? As we hear Jesus’ answer to a trick question to “render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s” there is a subtext regarding what we value the most. As follower’s of Jesus we can faithfully engage in reflecting upon how our lives reflect our values.
Pastor Margot
Lots happening this week!
Tonight October 17, 2023 at 6:30pm Women’s Gather Bible Study meets at the church. All women are invited and welcome. If you have questions please reach out to Doris Wojnarowski
Wednesday October 18, 2023 at 7pm at the church come and play Euchre- all are invited to join in the fun. Pastor Mark would love to have you join in the fun.
Thursday October 19, 2023 at 7pm at the church Book Club begins... you are invited and welcome to gather with other readers as you choose books you will be reading together. Contact Joni Johnson with any questions.
Saturday October 21, 2023 at 8am Men’s Breakfast Bible Study will be held at the church and on ZOOM. All men are invited to join in this time of study and fellowship. Reach out to David Johnson for questions or to find out more.
Looking ahead:
Mark your calendar for Monday October 23, 2023 at 6pm to join in a conversation about our shared life as a a congregation of the ELCA in the Rocky Mountain Synod who will be electing a new bishop in 2024. You are invited to Metro East Conference Fall Gathering at Augustana Lutheran Church please RSVP so get the details and indicate if you want to carpool into Denver.
RSVP for the Tuesday November 21, 2023 at 6:30pm Christmas Ornament Fundraiser
Volunteers Needed! We are going to host an Evening of Honor Dinner on Saturday October 28, 2023. This evening is for the family and friends of the four young adults who will be affirming their faith. We need volunteers to set up and help prep the food- sign up here. We also need those who will serve and clean up- sign up here.
Interested in sharing your musical talents? Reach out to Thomas to find out more about joining one of our music groups or how you can share some special music in worship.
HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH! Now is the time to connect with Pastor Margot (if you haven't already) about attending the Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp Senior High Retreat November 17-19, 2023 (if you plan to attend but haven't yet registered please follow that link to register and pay the $35 deposit) Now is also the time to decide if attendance at the 2024 ELCA Youth Gathering in New Orleans July 16-20, 2024. We are getting our numbers sorted out for carpools, chaperones, budgets.
Keep connecting with one another as together we LOVE + SERVE + GROW
Weekly Update October 10, 2023
Reflection Invitation: Every time we pray the Lord’s Prayer we pray; Thy will be done? Do we each mean that? Do we each seek that? How do you discern God’s will from your own will? As we explore another parable this coming weekend these are just a few of the questions I invite you to ponder. Pastor Margot
Coming up this week:
This Saturday October 14, 2023 the Fiber Ministry Group will meet at church from 10am-12pm in the Adult Sunday School Classroom- come and learn to crochet, work on a project of your own or explore ways that you can share your talents and learn new ones while making friends and connections. Questions? Reach out to Becky Burris.
Plan to come at 9am Sunday School for all ages, Choir, Confirmation. Bells on the Hill will rehearse at 11:15am
Rejoicing Spirits this Sunday October 15, 2023 from 4-6pm come and volunteer to help our friends with special needs celebrate Fall. Crafts, supper, and worship are all parts of our evening together and we can use your help. Reach out to Pastor Margot for details on how you can help.
Looking Ahead:
Next Tuesday October 17, 2023 at 6:30pm Women’s Gather Bible Study meets at the church. All women are invited and welcome. If you have questions please reach out to Doris Wojnarowski
Mark your calendar for Monday October 23, 2023 at 6pm to join in a conversation about our shared life as a a congregation of the ELCA in the Rocky Mountain Synod who will be electing a new bishop in 2024. You are invited to Metro East Conference Fall Gathering at Augustana Lutheran Church please RSVP so get the details and indicate if you want to carpool into Denver.
For October our Change 4 Change recipient is Dumb Friends League-this can be a great place to volunteer. Follow the link above to find out more about who they are and what they do.
Also every Tuesday at 10am on ZOOM a small group meets for Centering Prayer. Reach out to Myrna Blair for that ZOOM link.
Help us find our next Accompanist- the job listing is attached to this email please share it with any pianists you know. Also reach out to Thomas to join the choir or bell choir or share special music in worship.
Together we are on this journey to LOVE + SERVE + GROW
Weekly UPdate September 5, 2023
Invitation to Reflection: Conflict. Even reading the word might bring up an array of uncomfortable thoughts and feelings. This Sunday we hear Matthew 18:15-20 read. The earliest followers of Jesus are getting some instructions on how to deal with conflict. When things are uncomfortable it can be so easy to check out instead of checking in. This week I invite you to practice notice when you might want to just "check out" /avoid and to pause and consider instead how you might "check in" with yourself. To "practice a pause" / a checking in can be a chance to make a connection with God. A deep breath can be a prayer when with intention we breath in God's presence and release the fear. ~ Pastor Margot
God's Work, Our Hands service in the community opportunity to volunteer at Habitat for Humanity's ReStore Aurora facility this Saturday September 9, 2023 from 10am-2pm- you need to create an account and then sign up for that shift - there are 3 spots left as of tonight- and there are SO MANY other volunteer opportunities also available so check it out and create an account.
Mark your calendar to be at church this Sunday September 10, 2023 for Rally/ our Kick-off Sunday and we start our new worship schedule, choir and handbells start- there will be snacks and sign-ups plan to check it out.
Fall Worship Schedule. Starting this - Sunday September 10 - worship at 8am and 10am. We will use this schedule for the program year from September 10, 2023 until May 2024.
We will offer an 8am simplified worship service with communion liturgy at this time we will not have any music for this service. At 9am we will offer Sunday School, Confirmation, Choir practice and Coffee Fellowship. At 10am we will have a worship service with Zoom, Slides, Music, Choir, Bells, and Apostle’s Creed. At 11:15am there will be Bell rehearsal and other activities as scheduled such as Grief Group, youth groups etc. We are exploring resuming mid-week Wednesday evening programming that would include Confirmation, youth groups, activities and possibly a mid-week evening worship service for folks who work on weekends. The Wednesday evening plans are still in the works.
The Dreaming with Daniel team will be walking in the Denver Autism Speaks walk on September 30, 2023 and you can donate to their team now. The team Dreaming with Daniel can be found by searching for Cynthia Carr or clicking on that link above. Look for the letter they shared on the table in the narthex of the church.
We are looking for a volunteer to help put together a monthly newsletter we can share with a calendar of an entire months worth of activities, special events, programming and ways to be involved. Please let Pastor Margot know if you can help in this way.
Together we are on this journey to LOVE + SERVE + GROW
Weekend Update March 18, 2023
At our 9am worship we celebrate the baptisms of Skylar and Aubrey! Join in worship as we hear from the ninth chapter of John’s gospel on the third Sunday in Lent. Join us in person at 9am and 11am for worship. Our 9am worship is also on ZOOM and FB Live. The Living Waters of Lent in our theme this year and a print at home bulletin is attached to this email if you would like one for when you worship in Zoom.
Women’s Gather Bible Study meets this Tuesday March 21, 2023 at 6:30pm at the church.
Join us Wednesday for Lenten worship using Holden Evening Prayer at 7pm (in person and on ZOOM). The ZOOM link will be sent out on Wednesday morning. There are just 2 more midweek lenten worship services March 22 and 29, 2023
Looking for a way to be of service? Check out the Holy Hammers Habitat for Humanity handout attached to this email. There is another new way to help Habitat and enjoy a Rockies game- reach out to Chris Sheffer for more details.
Check out our … Mission Moments each Sunday- as we hear about ways that we are united in ministry and mission. Here is a link to the survey we invite you to fill out to let us know your thoughts about our life together. . .
Our Change 4 Change children’s noisy offering for both March and April 2023 will be going to help those in Syria and Turkey affected by the recent earthquake. You can make a Change 4 Change donation by mail, bring your change for the kids to collect during worship, and donate online.
LOOKING AHEAD: Plan to join in all the worship opportunities for Holy Week and Easter!
We kick off Holy Week with Palm Sunday worship April 2, 2023. We will have a simple Maundy Thursday daytime 12pm service and that evening at 7pm our full Maundy Thursday worship includes a sermon by Bishop Jim Gonia and a sabbatical sending of Pastor Margot. Pastor Karen Ullestad, who is covering many of the pastoral sabbatical duties, will also be with us in worship so come and meet her.
Good Friday will have a simple 12pm service and then a full service at 7pm with hymns, special music and all the readings.
We have in person Easter worship services at 6:30am, 9am and 11am. The 9am will be also be on Zoom.
Mark your calendars and plan to be in town and join in the weekend of June 16-18, 2023 for our Water Weekend Retreat here on our campus including a special Sunday service at 10am June 18 as a culmination of the weekend.
From Sunday May 28, 2023- Memorial Day Weekend to Sunday September 3, 2023- Labor Day Weekend each Sunday will have a single 10am Sunday worship service. Look for notices about Sundays that include coffee hours before or potlucks after and plan to come and meet new friends. Save the date for our semi-annual congregational meeting Sunday June 11, 2023 at 11:30am.
ONGOING Programs and ways to be connected:
Confirmation for middle school youth (grades 6-8) takes place every Sunday at 10! . Sunday School for all ages also meets at 10am during our Education Hour. No adult Sunday school this Sunday March 5, 2023.
Mondays at 8:30AM a walking group meets at the Red-tailed Hawk Park. If you are interested in joining this group please reach out to Pegi Crates, pegicrates@gmail.com or 719-248-3349.
Tuesdays at 10:00-10:30 AM, Centering Prayer now meeting on Zoom - come join in this peaceful time of quiet. You can reach out to Myrna Blair for the Zoom link. All are welcome!
On Wednesdays we have Lectio Divina on Zoom at 7:15am. Lectio will be on hiatus during Pastor Margot’s sabbatical so join in the next few Wednesdays before we take a break and then resume meeting in July.
It is your financial gifts that fund our mission and ministry. Online giving is available 24/7 and you can also mail in your contributions. Thanks for your support. You can still fill out an online 2023 Commitment Card or turn in a paper copy of your pledge for next year to help us in our planning for 2023. Here is the online link if you wish to fill that out online.
Check out how you can love, serve and grow this week!
Join in Holden Evening Prayer -tomorrow- Wednesday at 7pm in person and on ZOOM. We hope you can join in taking a pause midweek.
Sunday School teacher’s meeting this Wednesday March 8, 2023 from 6-7pm at the church and on ZOOM.
Want to try a contemplative practice during the season of Lent? Join in Lectio Divina on Wednesday mornings at 7:15am on ZOOM all are welcome and invited.
Men’s Bible Study this Saturday March 11, 2023 at 8am at church and on ZOOM. Reach out to David Johnson with any questions. All men are invited!
This Sunday Mar 12, 2023- High School Youth Group at the church for Chili fries! We meet at 5:30pm- bring your favorite chili to smother on fries or another french fry topping and we will enjoy creating a meal and have time for fellowship until 7pm. Those who can come early at 5pm to get the fries cooking join pastor at the PLC kitchen at 5pm.
The deadline for sales is this Sunday! Our youth are selling Butter Braids- to help fund the summer trips. They will be ready to be picked up on Friday March 17, 2023.
Check out our … Mission Moments each Sunday- as we hear about ways that we are united in ministry and mission. Here is a link to the survey we invite you to fill out to let us know your thoughts about our life together. . .
Our Change 4 Change children’s noisy offering for March and April of 2023 will be going to Turkey and Syria through Lutheran Disaster Relief. You can make a Change 4 Change donation by mail, bring your change for the kids to collect during worship, and donate online.
Next Sunday March 19, 2023 Rejoicing Spirits meets at Lord of the Hills from 4-6pm- come and learn, grow, volunteer, share in a craft, eat a meal….
Urban Servant Corps Palm Sunday Prayer Walk Sunday, April 2 from 1-3pm at 1660 Ogden St. Denver
To begin the journey of Holy Week, Urban Servant Corps invites you to the neighborhood where volunteers have been present for 36 years! You will have the opportunity to engage with this year's Urban Servant Corps volunteers, learn about direct service partner organizations, and take a deeper dive into understanding the needs of our neighbors and neighborhood. We will gather with Bishop Jim Gonia at 1pm for an Opening Prayer and then head out to walk and pray. Varied walk distances will be offered and there will also be opportunity to learn more just by hanging out at the USC house! May this opportunity be an act of faithful support for the justice we seek in our community!
ONGOING Programs and ways to be connected:
Confirmation for middle school youth (grades 6-8) takes place every Sunday at 10! . Sunday School for all ages also meets at 10am during our Education Hour.
Mondays at 8:30AM a walking group meets at the Red-tailed Hawk Park. If you are interested in joining this group please reach out to Pegi Crates, pegicrates@gmail.com or 719-248-3349.
Tuesdays at 10:00-10:30 AM, Centering Prayer now meeting on Zoom - come join in this peaceful time of quiet. You can reach out to Myrna Blair for the Zoom link. All are welcome!
It is your financial gifts that fund our mission and ministry. Online giving is available 24/7 and you can also mail in your contributions. Thanks for your support. You can still fill out an online 2023 Commitment Card or turn in a paper copy of your pledge for next year to help us in our
Missed any worship services lately or need to hear one again? Subscribe to our YouTube Channel
Weekly Update from Lord of the Hills
Tonight at 6:30pm the Women’s Gather Bible Study will meet in person at the church in the Adult Sunday school room.
It’s tomorrow! If you would like to start out Ash Wednesday early in the day head over to the church in the early morning for drive up Ashes- Pastor will be at the church from 6am-8:30am for the imposition of ashes. We still have a few more copies of a daily Lenten Devotion Water & Spirit. Pick one up at the church.
Water and the Spirit... Nicodemus is urged to be born of water and the Spirit, the women at the well and the washing of the disciples feet are just a few ways that water is part of Lent. It's also the them of our Lenten series the Living Water of Lent. A bulletin for the Sundays of February 26- March 26, 2023 is attached to this email.
Begin your lenten journey with worship. We have Ash Wednesday Worship services at the church at 12pm (in person only) and 7pm (in person and on ZOOM).
Our youth are selling Butter Braids- to help fund the summer trips. They will be on sale until Sunday March 12, 2023 and ready for pick up on Friday March 17, 2023.
Please RSVP now. We are hosting an Introduction to Contemplative Practices Retreat Saturday March 4, 2023 from 9:30am-2:30pm at the church. Contemplative Outreach of Colorado is facilitating this retreat. In the morning we will have an Introduction to Centering Prayer and times for practicing it. We invite you to bring a sack lunch.
In the afternoon we will have a mindfulness guided meditation and a practice in sacred breathing. There will be a labyrinth available for people to do on their own during breaks and lunch. We will have lots of healthy snacks and drinks available. Here is where you can REGISTRATION/RSVP Invite a friend. Try something new. And if you are already familiar with these practices join in this time to make new connections and be intentional in this season of Lent of connecting deeply with God.
Keep your eyes, ears, hearts and minds open to how you are being called to Love + Serve + Grow!
ONGOING Programs and
Ways to be Connected
Confirmation for middle school youth (grades 6-8) takes place every Sunday at 10! . Sunday School for all ages also meets at 10am during our Education Hour.
Mondays at 8:30AM a walking group meets at the Red-tailed Hawk Park. If you are interested in joining this group please reach out to Pegi Crates, pegicrates@gmail.com or 719-248-3349.
Tuesdays at 10:00-10:30 AM, Centering Prayer now meeting on Zoom - come join in this peaceful time of quiet. You can reach out to Myrna Blair for the Zoom link. All are welcome!
Lectio Divina meets every Wednesday on Zoom at 7:15am.
We need your generous donations!! Remember that “stretch budget” we approved at our Semi-Annual Meeting? It is your financial gifts that fund our mission and ministry. Online giving is available 24/7 and you can also mail in your contributions. Thanks for your support.
Do you want to find time to meet with Pastor Margot in person, chat on the phone, or Zoom? Here is a link to go to her calendar to schedule some time.
We are in this together:
Words and Announcements from Pastor Margot:
7 December 2022

Pearl harbor:
Today we invite you to join in praying for peace. As we remember those who lost their lives in the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 and the United States entering into WWII we offer up prayers for peace in our world
Youth Babysitting Fundraiser:
Mark your calendars for Saturday December 17, 2022 from 10am-2pm and please Register- for Youth Babysitting Fundraiser- both Middle and High School youth can register to volunteer (we could use a few caring adult volunteers as well). Register your children to be babysat- you can relax at home, take time to catch up on wrapping gifts or shopping or exercising- let us give you a breather while your young children engage in fun holiday activities. Your free will donations for babysitting will be applied to our youth fund.
Quilt? Crochet? Knit?
Do you quilt? Crochet? Knit? You are invited to be a part of the community who will be using their skills and passion for the fiber arts to quilt and knit, crochet and piece quilts to create prayer shawls, prayer quilts, mission quilts, confirmation quilts, quilts for graduating high school seniors to name some of the ways that together this ministry will impact our community. Questions? Reach out to BB or Micki Krause Keep on the lookout for ways that we will all get to be connected to this way of sharing love.
As we have more folks attending worship in person we are returning to having ushers help with offering, communion, handing out bulletins, guiding visitors on how we do things- are you interested in serving in this capacity? Contact Joyce Roberts we are putting together our list of ushers in REALM and putting together a schedule of ushering.
Men's Bible Study
This Saturday December 10, 2022 at 8am the Men’s Bible Study meets both in person and on ZOOM . Questions? Reach out to David Johnson
Rejoicing Spirits
**A new service opportunity: REJOICING SPIRITS- Lord of the Hills has been chosen as the host location for a monthly “No Shush”- All are welcome/ come as you are worship service focusing on the welcoming of people with intellectual disabilities and the people who love them.
A monthly REJOICING SPIRITS worship service will take place on the third Sunday of each month from 4pm-6pm (except for July) at Lord of the Hills. Here is the aim of each worship service: “ to provide a meaningful, inclusive worship service in a loving and supportive community for people with intellectual disabilities and the people who love and support them. People are free to be themselves while actively participating as contributing members in an inclusive faith community.” If you want to find out more come and join in this worship experience Sunday December 18, 2022 at 4-6pm. A volunteer orientation will be offered in January.
Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp
Register NOW for Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp - find all the offerings here for ages 2nd grade through high school and family camps. Our Middle School Youth (going into grades 6-9 in fall 2023) are eligible to join Pastor Margot at Confirmation Camp Week 2 July 16-22, 2023. If you have any questions about camp or need financial assistance- please ask!!
High School Youth Group:
This Sunday December 11 at 5:30pm HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH GROUP- all high school students are invited to enjoy a spaghetti dinner and then time to learn and connect. Come at 5pm if you are interested in helping cook. Questions? Reach out to Pastor Margot or her cell.
Exercise at the Church
Want to get some exercise while doing a good deed? We have a number of chair moving days coming up at church. The first one is Friday December 16, 2022 at 9am we are moving all of the chairs out of the sanctuary so that the carpeting of our worship space can be professionally cleaned on Friday night.
High School Seniors!
Calling all High School Seniors! Share your favorite colors so that we can get working on your special quilt. Send an email to Pastor Margot sharing your favorite colors. We will celebrate our 2023 graduates in worship Sunday May 21, 2023.
Change 4 Change
Change 4 Change in December and our C4C is going to an ELCA GOOD GIFT This is also a great place to find that perfect gift to give someone in your life. You can make a Change 4 Change donation by mail, bring your change for the kids to collect during worship, and donate online.

Our Wall to Build:
When Nehemiah heard his calling to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, he found himself on both a physical, and spiritual journey. Nehemiah was not a priest, nor a prophet, nor a spiritual leader. He was a layperson whose prayer and faithfulness led to him ask: What skills do I have? What can I do? And with that, he led the charge to build anew the walls of Jerusalem.
At Lord of the Hills, in this season of change, we all are asked to pray, hold steadfast in faithfulness, and join as we explore the challenging questions around what do we need to build up and what do we need to release in 2023 and beyond? What does it take to boldly build anew?
For many of us, being in our building—worshiping and learning within our walls—connects us. For others, we must provide a virtual window to peek through and explore. Who are we when our chairs are full and we worship together? Who are we in Bible study? In small groups? We must be church together wherever, whenever, and however someone wants to join us. Offering up our home to those who are virtual does not take away from those of us who are in person.
Nehemiah did not rebuild the walls of Jerusalem alone, and we cannot ask our small staff to build and maintain our church alone. The pandemic taught us that many people will do more, learn more, and try more to the point of exhaustion. It’s time to give our team a break and help them to return to a balanced life. We must say “thank you” and demonstrate our appreciation by lightening their load by hiring additional staff. We need fresh ideas and skills from people who can help us run our office and technology and grow our programs. We may even dare to dream of something we have yet to conceive. Imagine what this can look like in person or online.
Whether virtual or in person, our physical building needs to welcome all. We need to want to be here, and we need to want to invite people to enter with us. Imagine our classrooms and the Inspiration Room full of conversation and laughter, with meals shared and coffee sipped (and sometimes spilled). Picnics on the lawn, chatter outside, conversations that go a little long in the parking lot—rather than hustling home, we stay a little longer because our space is welcoming, well cared for, and inviting.
We are all Nehemiah
Most of us are not prophets or priests. We are laypeople. But like Nehemiah, we can answer God’s call to make a difference. It’s up to us to accept the challenge. It is only together that we can Bravely Build Anew and become the Lord of the Hills that we all want and know we can be. Will you accept the challenge?