Confirmation is a three year program for 6, 7 and 8th graders that meets August - April.
Throughout the three years of instruction the Lutheran Study Bible is our main a"text" book. We study God's word, form relationships with caring adults, enjoy fellowship, and explore faith together through both large and small group settings. Our current course of study includes the biblical witness in the Old Testament and the New Testament, the Apostle’s Creed, the Ten Commandments, the Lord’s Prayer, the sacraments of Holy Communion and Baptism, our Lutheran identity as well as a few other pertinent teenage topics such as media, relationships and love, stewardship, and serving our neighbors. We also understand that families move, and students may need to start in the program mid-year or mid-course. We work with each family to make it work for your student.
We have an annual fee of $30 to help cover the costs of curriculum and such incurred during the program year.
Lord of the Hills never wants finances to prevent a youth from getting to participate. If you are in need of financial assistance for these activities please reach out to Pastor Margot and we will do our best to make this a reality for your youth!
All youth and caring adults who participate in Lord of the Hills Lutheran Church activities need to complete an annual Health & Medical Release Form. Please see the links below in quick links.
Background checks are run on anyone 18+ who wish to volunteer with our youth programming. Contact Pastor Margot.