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Slow down for Joy

It's often the small things like April 15th being a Sunday so Tax Day is this year April 17. It's a song that comes to mind as I try to "get the next thing done" and I am reminded that slowing down is often where I encounter joy. It can also be in the big events, the milestones where we are filled with joy.

As we continue in the 50 day season of Easter I hope you find some time to "slow down" and "feel groovy". Joy in a familiar song, the sun shining brightly today, a tulip appearing to smile in the way it opens up- little gifts from God are being given to us all the time. It often takes slowing down to become aware of the gifts. Or maybe there is an upcoming big event for you or someone you love- a graduation, an engagement, a family event where you will look for the power and presence of God and enjoy the celebration. Recently I was looking for a photo Sophie needed for a school project and I came across the one posted below- it's an old one of me at my ordination in 1989.

Monday April 16, 2018 is the 29th anniversary of my ordination. Old photos don't always reproduce well but I can still feel that joy and excitement when looking at the picture. It seems like it was "many life time's ago" that this picture was taken. On that day I was filled with such joy that I posed for a funny picture holding up my joined hands in an "I did it" champion cheer at the request of a dear friend

Remembering that day- the great joy and laughter, being surrounded by family and friends as together we marked a milestone- I take a deep breath and give God thanks for all the ways God has been present in the highs and in the lows and in-between since that photo was taken. The joy of that day was also in the smaller moments, the conversations, the hugs and cards of encouragement- all that was given to help sustain and support me along the way.

This week my prayer is that you will take some time to "catch your breath", slow down, feel groovy, and be reminded of how deeply and dearly you are loved. And in a moment of joy "be not afraid" to join your hands and give up a cheer. For God is good, slow to anger, abounding on steadfast love.

Ordination Day 1989

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