Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid. --Jesus to his disciples after the resurrection when they were locked behind doors closed for fear.
John 14:27
Oh to not let me heart be troubled...Oh to sleep as peacefully as a baby at rest...Oh to not be afraid of what was, what is or what is to come- a troubled heart, lack of sleep and fear all get in the way of peace.
Sleeping and rest are not my strong suits. My beloved Dan would tell you that is an understatement. Yet over these years of many sleepless nights, challenges falling asleep or staying asleep there are the times I have received and experienced peace.
Sometimes the work left undone, the concerns for those who are troubled, the "monkey mind" of worry and anxiety keep me awake. Lately as I have been curious about what gets in the way of a quiet heart I have been more intentional in surrendering. Surrendering my "efforts" to make myself sleep. Surrendering the thinking that I can get it all done. One of the "instead's" these days has been prayer combined with some yoga which help with sleep.
"God grant me your peace" is followed by a deep breath. "God help me know that peace Jesus promised" and I get out of bed and do a simple forward fold. "Help me let go" and I lay down with my legs up the wall. Then the fear lessens and I am reminded of what Paul wrote to the church in Philippi:
And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7
This weekend we will focus on the fruit of the Spirit of Peace. I hope you will join us as we practice the calm of Christ's Peace, share the peace and hear a story of peace at 35,000 feet. I hope to see you. May the peace that comes from Christ surround you this week... Pastor Margot