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Manna living

Daily. Daily bread. “Give us this day our daily bread”. One day at a time. I remember reading that if parents daily pray the Lord’s prayer with their child- by age 3 the child often have it written on their hearts, they will have memorized it. A bright spot earlier this year was a home visit where one of our little ones age 3 was so excited for me to hear her pray the Lord’s prayer. We hear this weekend the story of the Israelites receiving their daily bread- manna from heaven. Manna got connected to trusting God and it was written on their hearts.

For over a decade I have used the expression “manna living” to be reminded that God provides. God is faithful. The spiritual journey to depend upon, rely upon, call upon =TRUST God is challenging. It was challenging for the Israelites and it is for me. Self-reliance, deprivation, getting too buys often lead me to “forget” that God is my Source and my Sustenance. Forgetting happens especially when I am overwhelmed, worried, anxious and afraid. The reminder comes- manna living, one day at a time, just for today. It reminds me -God is with me and providing for me.

We ask in the Lord’s prayer “give us this day our daily bread” daily- one day at a time sometimes also needs to be one hour or one minute at a time to trust God. The feelings of fear, overwhelm, worry, anxiety and deprivation often surface when I get out into the future “wondering” if (read doubting) tomorrow or the next week, next month, next year I will be provided with what I need. For 2018 the word I chose to walk with me, encourage me and remind me of God’s power and God’s presence is enough.

Enough has been a great reminder that I have enough, I am enough and that God loves me even more than enough. God is the Source and Sustenance, the Strength and Support that we all need and we receive - daily, one day at a time.

This week I got to do a home visit in preparation for a baptism. I treasure these times of praying with even our littlest ones. We prayed together. I encouraged the parents to start daily praying the Lord's Prayer with their one year old. One of the gifts of my childhood was my parents taught me the Lord’s prayer. It is a prayer to center and ground me. This week the petition “give us this day our daily bread” has been echoing in me through the story of manna in the wilderness and the request for the bread of God. I hope you will join us in worship this weekend to pray together, to practice manna living and to receive the bread that satisfies the hungry heart as nothing else can do.

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