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Take 5 and FAITH5 in times like these

What a difference a day can make, or an hour, or even 5 minutes. Yesterday, it was in the upper 50’s weather wise and today I look out at the snow coming down. Yesterday,I hung laundry outside, today the towels are in the dryer. To be in this day. At this moment and in this breath as in all times and in all places trusting God and loving people including myself. It takes time and intention.

Will you join me in this time and in this place to be in this day? In yesterday’s bible study we started talking about “taking 5”. Taking 5 breaths, calling 5 people, the FAITH5 we have practiced for several years. We spoke of inviting everyone we know to light a candle, place it in their window to remember: the Light shines in the darkness, goodness is stronger than evil, we are in this together, Lord of the Hills Lutheran Church is Christ’s light on the hill where together we LOVE, SERVE, & GROW. How about taking 5 minutes right now to join in this endeavor?

You are invited to be a part of Take 5 as we practice Faith5. Find a candle and light it, open up your bible and read it, make a phone call, take a drink of water, take 5 deep breaths. So, to first practice for myself even as I am writing this- I put on the timer for 5 minutes to pause, to catch my breath and say a prayer.

So here is what I do; 1.stand up 2. make a cup of tea 3. ask for a hug 4. write out my fears and put them in my “God box” and 5. light my candle as I say a prayer for my sweet Sophie who is traveling right now. 1-2-3-4-5 deep breaths. And then I let go and let God. I vow to myself to keep this blog post short and simple as I trust God and love people including myself. Right now in this time and place as the snow falls heavy I remember “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” Psalm 46:1.

What then are you being called to do in this moment, time, place? Will you take 5?

Here are a couple of songs of faith and inspiration that bring me comfort and help me to reboot. Feel free to share in the blog comments below what brings your comfort and helps you to reboot when our lives get re-routed:

Oceans-by Hillsong

Blessings, love, compassion, peace and health as we travel together following Jesus- Pastor Margot

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