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The Voice

The voice of one crying in the wilderness is John the Baptizer quoting the prophet Isaiah. Prepare the way of the Lord. The Godspell song Prepare ye the way of the Lord from the 1973 movie often comes to mind as we hear Luke 3:1-6 in the second week of Advent. John is a voice in the wilderness.

As we head toward the second Sunday in Advent I still have not yet chosen my Spirit Word

for 2022. This is the first time that I haven’t already had that word- chosen, revealed , discerned before Advent has begun. It’s a little disconcerting. It's been a tough year for me and to allow for the space and grace to let it be what it is. More will be revealed.

Remembering that the season of Advent is a season of waiting and watching and wondering-I stop trying to force it and instead practice loving kindness. If you click on that link of Spirit Word it has the instructions if you would like to choose a word for yourself.

On this second Sunday of Advent we hear the watchword of peace . So to practice being at peace in the unknown and the unknowing. To allow for the grace that is the pause when I am uncertain or confused.

Peace, peace, peace; more easily spoken than practiced. Part of the appeal of the song in the video above of One Voice is the message that we can be united and we are in this together. So to let the sounds of the season and the song in that video- calm my heart and mind and remind me that this is a season of waiting and watching.

So for today, and this moment, to keep it simple and trust more will be revealed. To practice letting go and letting God. All in good time and in God's time -that word will come. I will keep listening to the voice of the one in the wilderness who is calling out to prepare the way of the Lord. To let it make a straight path for me to travel. To trust that the Spirit will guide and direct this time of discernment. So I pause, I wait and I wonder. With all that on my heart and in my mind I will “peace out”.

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