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"Joined together"- connected. Being connected to one another is on my mind as we get ready to launch our member software REALM Connect which will allow us to be better connected. In Ephesians 4 as Paul is writing to the early church about growing up, about the connections we have to one another, the way that faith is built up in community. Paul uses the metaphor of the body. I think about how when youth did the ropes course- that's what the photo is- they had to be in it together- connected to chart the course.

15 But speaking the truth in love, we must grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, 16 from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by every ligament with which it is equipped, as each part is working properly, promotes the body’s growth in building itself up in love.

This weekend we will bless backpacks and briefcases and diaper bags and purses. Blessings for the journey of living in a world where we also get to be a blessing and it takes all of us- joined together. We have heard about "bread" in the 6th chapter of John's gospel for several weeks and I think about how eating together also connects us. I hope you will join us this weekend as we learn together ways to be connected and knit together.

We will have another New Member class starting September 16, 2018 where those interested can make the commitment to join in our shared life of following Jesus. Keep checking out ways that you are being called to be "part of" and grow and how the Spirit is building you up in love. We are on this way together and I am excited to see how REALM is going to help us get even more closely connected.

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