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Service Opportunities

Have you heard the word "Glocal"? Combining outreach both locally and globally, our Outreach and Service Committees combine their efforts to serve. This is glocal. The Service Committee plans and provides opportunities for the members and friends of this congregation to serve one another and our greater community, provide resources to connect those in need with local service organizations, and educate ourselves and our community regarding advocacy for peace and justice. 

Hope Starts Here Food Bank is open EVERY Saturday just down the road at the Vineyard on Smoky Hill & Orchard. Volunteers arrive and re­port to the volunteer desk at 6:30 a.m. for a tour and to get put to work.

Aurora Warms the Night needs help filling Kits we will help out with these on an ongoing basis.  View a list of items needed for these kits. TOGETHER we make a difference one Hygiene Kit at a time. Thanks for your generosity.

Are you a Thrivent member?  Did you know you have $500 at your discretion to put to generous use each year?  We would love to help you put your Thrivent Action Teams together for either a service project, educational event or fundraiser for our community.  We hold a workshop on writing these grant applications on a quarterly basis.  Join us for the next one to learn more or feel free to contact Pastor Margot,  for more details today!

Blessing Bags  Do you often pass homeless individuals on the street corner on your route to work or other activities?  Do you feel drawn to want to help?  Gift them with a Blessing Bag; a ziploc filled with goodies.  Our Mustard Seed: 3rd - 5th grade aged Sunday School and Youth Group help us to keep Blessing Bags filled for the taking and giving!  Find the box near the entry of the church.  Take a bag or two to keep in your car and share when coming across someone in need.  If you would like to assist this project by providing items for the bags see the list HERE for ideas and drop items off in the church office.   Questions?  contact Pastor Margot 

God's Work, Our Hands - JOIN US annually, occurs the Sunday following Labor Day. 

"God's work. Our hands." Sunday is an opportunity to celebrate who we are as the ELCA- one church, freed in 
Christ to serve and love our neighbor. ​ Annually, we have service opportunities in worship, between worship services and after worship.  Often doing yard work at the home of someone who is homebound. Please consider bringing your work gloves, and your garden tools to help make the life of someone in our community better as together we Love + Serve + Grow. This is a WE journey. 

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